Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Ne plak pic model kereta mercedes yg terbaru..seperti biasa..design keta mewah...tapi yg ganjilnya..takda stereng...guna joy stick?? kah kah kah kah..mmg eksiden la klaw x tere guna keta ne..kah kah kah..

The new Mercedes Benz @ suto show

The new Mercedes Benz @ suto show

The new Mercedes Benz @ suto show

That's not what is different about it.

That either.

.....and now for the 'really different' part:

Here is what is different

The new Mercedes Benz @ suto show

No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. No pedals either.
Can you drive with a joystick? Your kids and grandkids probably can..
The influence of video games in our lives has really arrived, wouldn't ya say?

The new Mercedes Benz @ suto show

P/S : Kah kah kah..xda stereng...baik bawa kancil klaw mcm neh..kah kah kah kah...


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